YOUNG ADULT (VIDEO) BOOK REVIEW of The Communing Tree, a new young adult novel by Oregon author, Theresa Verboort of Hillsboro, Oregon.
This video book review features 14 year old Andrea who speaks emphatically about how much she wants the author to finish writing the sequel to The Communing Tree.
Interviewer: "Okay, I'm ready go ahead."
Andrea: "I'm mad that you made it a cliffhanger - you need to make another book because I hate cliffhangers and I want to know what happens!"
Interviewer: (laughter) "Okay, what don't you know -- you want to know what happens?"
Andrea: "I want to know if her little sister ever speaks verbally again, and if her little sister likes school and if her older sister ever gets married -- to Paul! I wanna know that! I wanna know how her life goes on and what her little sister does also! I want to know all those things!"
Interviewer: (laughter) "Awesome."